My San Mateo apartment lease expired in July. Having lived in suburbs for almost 5 years I decided it's time to try the City...
So now I live on the border of Russian Hill and North Beach in some 100+ years old house with a girl roommate.
This area is famous for having sea lions on Piers 39, cable car, crooked Lombard street, beach walks, sail boats, Ghirardelli, and finally - Golden Gate Bridge.
I'm settling it, getting new friends and new favorite local spots...
So now I live on the border of Russian Hill and North Beach in some 100+ years old house with a girl roommate.
This area is famous for having sea lions on Piers 39, cable car, crooked Lombard street, beach walks, sail boats, Ghirardelli, and finally - Golden Gate Bridge.
I'm settling it, getting new friends and new favorite local spots...
Сколько жилье выходит? На работу далековато ездить?
Я этим летом жил в Outer Sunset, слишком много тумана и холодно :)
Сколько жилье выходит? На работу далековато ездить?
Я этим летом жил в Outer Sunset, слишком много тумана и холодно :)
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