Spent some time in Google office in Mountain View this week. Tons of fun. Nice gadgets and toys everywhere.
One of the office buildings:

This covered parking has roof made from solar panels. These cars are all electric, so can be charged using the roof. Cool. One charge is enough to go for 40 miles.
Engineers can use these cars during the day.
These sparks are search requests to google.com from all over the world shown in almost real time. Charming animation... It's vivid that tiny Japan sends very powerful requests stream. Different sparks represent different languages. Russia is waking up at this moment, so not many requests yet.
Africa is quiet at this time. Although it's not really about time of day with Africa, I guess. :) Lucky to have electricity somewhere (or at least to hear about it), screw Internet! :) Well, no - screw electricity, let's start with just food!
Anyway, most of Russia is dead too. Some activity in western and southern parts and that's it. Majority of Russian lands are almost unpopulated - you knew that, right? We don't count bears and wolfs, of course.
Treadmill with internet access. Right - don't waste your time. Work!
Is there a difference between men and children? Especially between programmers and children...
Leva's great coffee.
Google ice cream. Yummy.
I know where to throw all my complains about GMail now!
I had a toy spaceship when I was a child. Google isn't cheap - why not to buy a real spaceship for a toy? :) This one is not a model, it's a real spaceship. I remember a joke about "Russian nouveau riche" going out of an arts gallery in Paris with Picasso painting in his hand and calling his friends - "dudes, I got a postcard, let's go get some souvenirs now!"
all other photos are here (reviewed / approved for public sharing).
One of the office buildings:
Engineers can use these cars during the day.
Africa is quiet at this time. Although it's not really about time of day with Africa, I guess. :) Lucky to have electricity somewhere (or at least to hear about it), screw Internet! :) Well, no - screw electricity, let's start with just food!
Anyway, most of Russia is dead too. Some activity in western and southern parts and that's it. Majority of Russian lands are almost unpopulated - you knew that, right? We don't count bears and wolfs, of course.
А как на экскурсию то туда попал, или ты работаешь в гугле?
Мегаотчет. Не хватает только плазмаламп и гугловской столовой (хотя, столовой это назвать как-то язык не поворачивается).
в гугле клёво. а уж работается там, наверное, ваще круто.
ты просто в гости ходил? сам туда не собираешься?
ходил на разведку.
Теперь для полноты картины надо сходить в офисы Apple, IBM и Мелкомягких.
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